Henry Colindres
Running for Director of the NCIHC Board of Directors

I was born, raised, and received my education in Guatemala, where I graduated from medical school. I practiced medicine there for over a decade, with life changing experiences while serving the Mayan population depending on community interpreters. As a goals oriented individual I supplemented my medical education with business management training and strategic management. Approximately 20 years ago, I emigrated to the USA, where I experienced firsthand the obstacles to accessing equitable and quality healthcare for myself and my family, many of which were linked to language barriers. These experiences were crucial to my decision to dedicate my life and expertise to promote change improving patient-provider communication, specifically for those that prefer a language other than English (PLOE) to discuss their healthcare. Over the last 14 years, I have assumed various roles including staff medical interpreter, translator, supervisor, educator, trainer, and manager of medical interpreters and language access teams within both for-profit and non-profit healthcare organizations and ISPs, remote and in-person.

Click on the links below to view a recorded message from Henry Colindres or to look at his CV.

Henry Colindres' video link
Henry Colindres' CV link