The ongoing war in Ukraine - The National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC) strongly condemns the unprovoked invasion of and aggression on Ukraine. Our hearts go out to members, colleagues, and everyone whose loved ones are directly impacted by the ongoing invasion and war. We keep them in our prayers of peace and hope that they stay safe and out of harm’s way.
#StopAsianHate - Discrimination and Racism Against People of Asian Descent - Asians have a long, rich, and complicated history in the United States. Sadly that history includes being the targets of racial bias, discrimination, and violence... Read the statement by clicking on the link above.
#blacklivesmatter - The NCIHC teamed up with CHIA and IMIA to develop a statement supporting #blacklivesmatter. Read the statement by clicking on the link above.
Participate in NCIHC - Help shape the future by volunteering your time to one of the NCIHC committees or work groups. Click on the link above!
Covid-19 Webinars - Are you trying to locate our COVID-19 related webinars but having trouble? They can be found under Resources/Covid-19 Resources or at the link above.
Labor Law - If you need to view the free webinar "Independent Contractor versus Employee: The US Labor Department and Your Career", click on the Labor law link above.