Journal Work Group (JWG)

(An initiative of the NCIHC Policy, Education & Research Committee (PERC))

The Journal Work Group (JWG) was created to spearhead ACCESS: The NCIHC Journal. Volunteers in the JWG act as the Editorial Group for the journal and are responsible for planning each issue, recruiting contributors, reviewing submissions and negotiating edits with the contributors, and overseeing all processes required for publication.

Volunteers interested in serving on the JWG will also have an opportunity to share and develop…

  • Experience identifying articles that provide new, original, and important contributions to language access in health care
  • Experience modifying written copy to serve the goals of the journal through constructive feedback
  • Experience adhering to strict deadlines like those required for journal publication

Meeting Frequency:

Work Group Members:
Fabiola Rojas Alvarado, Elena Matthews, Andy Schwieter, Gabriela Siebach, Silvana Suarez

Contact email:
Currently no direct group email is available.

Click Here to reach the Access, the NCIHC Journal Catalog.

Policy, Education & Research Committee
You can CLICK HERE to visit the NCIHC Policy, Education & Research Committee web page.