NCIHC will host a series of regional language access workshops “NCIHC On the Road” – throughout 2022-2023
These virtual events will join interpreters, advocates, patients, and hospital administrators from risk management, compliance, patient experience, and other stakeholders for learning and discussion around building infrastructure in areas where public investment and oversight in language access are critical.
Webinar Description:
Receiving direct care in one’s preferred language is arguably the “gold standard” for patient safety and patient experience. This third panel discussion of the NCIHC On The Road webinar series will consider how healthcare organizations can provide safe and effective language concordant care, and why this is of critical importance. Expert panelists will discuss whether healthcare organizations should establish a language proficiency assessment process for staff providing direct care in languages other than English (LOTE), as well as the challenges associated with designing, implementing, and operationalizing linguistic qualification programs for bilingual clinicians, and the impact of such programs on workflow, staff engagement, and patient satisfaction.
About the Panelists:

Carla Fogaren, RN, NCIHC Director, Language Access/ Section 1557 Consultant
Carla has served as the System Director of Diversity Initiatives, Interpreter Services and ADA/504 and Section 1557 Coordinator for 42 hospitals and over 1,700 providers in 11 different states for Steward Health Care. A registered nurse since 1988, Carla is known nationally as a pioneer in the field of medical interpreting as well as a national consultant on language access, health disparities, disabilities and regulatory requirements for hospitals. She was one of twelve language access experts that helped to draft the IMIA Standards of Practice in 1995.
Carla was part of an advisory committee for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health that created the Best Practice Recommendations for Hospital-based Interpreter Services in 2001. She founded the Forum of the Coordination of Interpreter Services (FOCIS) in 2003 as a venue where leadership in hospital and clinic-based interpreter programs would be able to share best practices, share resources, and work collaboratively on issues impacting operations in language access delivery. In 2015, the Boston Business Journal named Carla a Healthcare Hero, honoring her for her tireless work in improving the overall health and wellness of those living in Massachusetts and beyond.
Carla is a nationally certified ADA Coordinator and has served as the Section 1557 Coordinator for a large healthcare system for over a decade. Carla has performed over 30 gap analyses for hospitals and clinics to assess compliance with Joint Commission, DNV, ADA, and other federal and state requirements. Carla’s work has helped to reduce the length of stay, readmission rates, and “left without being seen” rates, thus improving patient care.

Dylan Nicole de Kervor, Esq., MSW, Senior Advisor to the Director, Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Dylan Nicole de Kervor (she/her) serves as Senior Advisor to the Director at the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR). In this capacity, she provides counsel to the Director on policy and enforcement matters related to the office’s nondiscrimination authorities. Ms. de Kervor also leads the rulemaking efforts of the office related to Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disability in a range of federally funded and conducted health programs and activities.
Prior to joining OCR, Ms. de Kervor served as an Attorney Advisor with the Federal Coordination and Compliance Section of the Civil Rights Division at the U.S. Department of Justice, where she investigated discrimination complaints filed against recipients of federal financial assistance and conducts compliance reviews under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) and similar laws. A proud Californian, Ms. de Kervor received her J.D. and M.S.W. from the University of California, Berkeley and her B.A. from the University of California, San Diego.

Michael J. Mulé, Attorney, U.S. DOJ, Civil Rights Division, Federal Coordination and Compliance Section
Michael Mulé is an Attorney-Advisor in the Federal Coordination and Compliance Section (FCS) of the Civil Rights Division at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). His office investigates discrimination complaints filed against recipients of federal financial assistance and conducts compliance reviews under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) and similar laws. Mr. Mulé leads the FCS Title VI state court language access team, leads the limited English proficiency (LEP) subcommittee of the federal Title VI interagency working group, and administers
Since joining DOJ in 2010, his Title VI and language access work has included providing counsel to senior leadership at DOJ and other federal agencies, presenting 75 trainings to federal and state agencies, and resolving many Title VI and language access matters.

Dr. Tia Tucker, MD, MPH, Cambridge Health Alliance
Tia Tucker is a native of southwest Louisiana, who always knew she wanted to be a physician, but her passion around social justice, international health, and activism led her in a circuitous route to becoming an MD. After serving two years in the Peace Corps working in Youth Development, she realized how important public health matters to improving health outcomes in low resource areas, and decided to return to Louisiana to study public health at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. Tia's work in housing rights and HIV prevention during that time only cemented the fact that structural violence, racism, homophobia and social influencers of health constantly prevented people from getting the care they needed. She decided that she needed to study medicine in an environment that would teach her to fight this injustice through medicine.
In Cuba, she trained at the Latin American School of Medicine, in Spanish, with opportunities in real life epidemics as she worked through both Dengue and Cholera epidemics. At the Tufts University Family Medicine Residency program at Cambridge Health Alliance, she is the Director of Health Equity, and enjoys designing educational opportunities with residents as well as speaking to medical students and working with community partners to advocate for health for all.
About the Moderator:

Andy Schwieter
Andy Schwieter leads the language access team at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, helping them systematically turn language barriers into opportunities. Andy has worked as a Spanish interpreter since 2006, was certified by the Supreme Court of Ohio in 2013, and was certified by the National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters in 2015. He recently co-authored a paper published in Hospital Pediatrics on improving discharge instructions for hospitalized children with limited English proficiency. Andy is a member of the NCIHC Policy, Education, and Research Committee.